iCal Events Plugin

Note: This plugin is no longer being updated. You may wish to try amr-ical-events-list instead.

I also uploaded a plugin which displays events from an iCal source: iCal Events. It uses import_ical.php from the WebCalendar project. Many thanks to them for writing a parser.

Update (2006-04-17): Version 1.5 released, with support for some types of repeating events and support for event URLs. If you were previously using version 1.4 of the plugin, please note the following API change: the display_events takes a single argument, formatted as a query string. For example, if you are invoking the function as follows:

ICalEvents::display_events('http://www.ufl.edu/calendar/ufCalendar.ics', time(), NULL, 3);

you’ll need to change this to:

ICalEvents::display_events('url=http://www.ufl.edu/calendar/ufCalendar.ics&limit=3&gmt_start=' . time());

This change was made to make the plugin more flexible. You now have much more control over the output; for more information, please see the readme for version 1.5.

Update (2007-04-09): Version 1.12 is out; download it from the WordPress plugin repository.

Update (2008-04-15): Adam Wolfe Gordon has another plugin of same name that might fit your needs if mine doesn’t.


Comment from Carla on

Groovy tunes! Thank you!

Comment from Ghworg on

Excellent plugin, thanks.

Comment from Josh on

This is great, but it doesn’t seem to parse events with a “Custom” repeat setting (eg, every Tuesday and Thursday from 11-12). It picks up single events just fine, but not the repeated ones. I notice that several parsers aren’t implemented in import_ical.php; is this the problem?

Comment from dwc on


You’re right – it looks like only some of the RRULEs are implemented in the parser.

However, my WordPress plugin does not currently account for RRULEs, so for those that are implemented it might be returning incorrect data. Could you provide a sample ics file? (Please provide a link or email it to dwcNO@SPAMufl.edu.)

Comment from Jeremiah on

Is there any way to display an event’s location and comments?

Comment from dwc on


Glancing at the parser I’m using, I don’t think it supports those fields. Could you provide a sample ics file (email it to dwcNO@SPAMufl.edu.)

Comment from adame on

Got this stuff while using the script for some days:

Warning: mktime(): Windows does not support negative values for this function in ..wp-contentpluginsicalimport_ical.php on line 194

Any suggestion for how to make it righ? Thanks

PS.: I’m using the last release found at http://dev.wp-plugins.org/browser/ical-events/trunk/?rev=3906

Comment from Junap on

btw, the example URL given in the readme DID work! Is it perhaps something to do with .Mac?