Another quick release of code that’s been sitting in trunk for a while – ical-events 1.9. This contains fixes to boundary coniditions, support for wp_remote_fopen instead of the url-cache plugin, improvements for repeating events with specific repeat days, and basic …
I just tagged version 1.6 of the http-authentication plugin, which adds nonce support for improved WordPress 2.0 compatibility. This had actually sat in trunk for a while; I was lazy about doing a new release. You should be able to …
I just tagged version 1.8 of the ical-events plugin, with some formatting fixes for untimed and long-running events. Also included is support for the cURL library, via the url-cache plugin. If your host has turned off allow_url_fopen, you can still …
Thanks to some very helpful users, a new version of the ical-events plugin is available. It contains mostly minor updates to the iCalendar parser, a fix for all-day events (thanks, Jennie!), and a fix for repeating events (thanks, Pete!). As …
I just tagged version 1.6 of the ical-events plugin, with a minor formatting fix and a fix for Google Calendar URLs. The caching code didn’t always generate a unique filename, depending on the URL. You can download a zip file …